Hamam-e Ali Qoli Aqa (Historical Bath)

Hamam-e Ali Qoli Aqa (Historical Bath) is one of the spectacular places of Isfahan that is located in the Bid Abad Neighborhood it was built in 1125 by Ali Gholi Agha, from the courtiers of two Safavid kings, named king Suleiman and King Hossein Safavid.
In this article, we are going to learn more about Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha.
More about Hamam-e Ali Qoli Aqa
Today, Hamam-e Ali Qoli Aqa changed to “Anthropology Museum of Isfahan”.
This historical bathroom that has been recorded in the list of national monuments is a perfect example of respecting the Iranian altruistic culture.
In the past, bathrooms were a place for personal cleaning and hygiene, public meetings, visiting relatives, and even selecting the future bride or funeral and washing dead people.
it‘s not bad to know that this bathroom is a part of a mosque complex, 4 bazaars, a caravansary, and this historical bath that all of these are being built by the command of Ali Gholi Agha.
Where is Ali Qoli Aqa Historical Bath?
This bath is located in a neighborhood with this name, which means Ali Gholi Agha which is easy to access to it from every point.
If you have a personal car, go toward Shohada square and then, turn into the inside of Foroughi Street.
On the way to Foroughi Street, when you reached the first intersection, enter Tagrian Street.
In Tagrian Street, you will see signposts toward Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha.
Another path that is famous among tourists is from the side of Bid Abadi Street.
For this work, you should enter Chahar Bagh-e Paeen Street after Shohada square and then, go toward Jami Street and finally, Bid Abadi Street.
At the end of this street, you will see Hamam-e Ali Qoli Aqa. If you use the subway, get off at the Shohada Subway station.
From there, you are 800 meters away from this place. You can reach this bathroom in 32 minutes by taxi stand.
Short History of Ali Gholi Agha bath
According to the investigations, the antiquity of this historical bath of Isfahan returns to the 12th century, which means the Safavid period.
This bath was applicable for use of women and men separately.
People are saying that the smaller bath was for the use of women and the bigger one for men.
Today, the application of this bathroom was changed to an Anthropology museum with different repairs and sculptures that have been put there.
Architecture and Structure of Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha:
The architecture of Isfahan historical monuments is always a byword and Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha is no exception.
The general building of this bathroom is being built according to the Safavid architecture principles that include two-part of large and small bathrooms.
Of course, the tableaus and paintings that can be seen in this bath were being added to it in the Qajar period.
1- Large bathroom
The entrance of the large bathroom is octagonal that is connected to the cloakroom with two corridors that are perpendicular to each other.
The roof light of these parts is being provided with the help of Jamgah apertures which is the place of condenser glasses.
The reason that the glasses of apertures are condensers is to prevent energy loss and scattering of entrance light equally.
Of course, the important benefit is that due to the light refraction, we can’t see inside of the bathroom from the outside.
The sudatorium of the large bathroom has 4 pools inside the stone benches where people rinse their feet.
The sudatorium and Sarbine are connected with a corridor in Ali Qoli Aqa.
If you look at ponds, you will see whole white color stones as much as 1 meter that their surface is being corrugated.
This corrugated surface and the protrusions on it have the role of chair’s support are perpendicular to the ponds.
In fact, they imagine that the role of these parts was as a massager and junction so that people do not slip and prevent their heads hit the edge of the pond.
2- Hot house
Hothouse in Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha is decorated with marble there are different Zanbourak beneath it so that the floor of it always be warm.
The tiling patterns of the hot house’s wall are the Iranian authentic patterns, which means flower and arabesque traceries that reach the peak of popularity in the Safavid period.
In the hot house, you will see a large swimming pool or pond that was used for diving and bathing.
There are two alcoves on the two sides of the hot house’s main axis.
One of these alcoves was for jumping in the water and the other for sitting and observing.
The bath is connected to a number of stairs to the hot house. There is two alcoves for a private bath beside it.
In a part of the hothouse, Leng Shui Khane and W.C can be seen.
If you look closely at the piers near the hothouse, will see a very pretty tiled board.
According to the documents, this man that has cloth, headband, and sticks on the tiled board is probably Ali Gholi Agha that built this bathroom.
3- Small bath
The design and the principles of a small bath’s architecture are the same as a large bath, but everything can be seen in smaller dimensions.
The Sarbineh principle of a small bath is a square shape that on three sides of it, there is a platform with a pond.
The hothouse of Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha with 8 pillars that kept it arch is swaggering.
4- Heating System
The water of Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha is being provided by a rig that was located on the western side of the bath.
This water is being transferred to the rooftop and from it to the bath and pool.
The warming pan and bunker had the task of heating water that are placed in the western part along with the special dish and the hole for collecting ash.
The chimney and channels for transferring heat are placed beneath the bath which is the same underfloor heating system of the modern world.
5- Sewage disposal System
The sewage disposal system in the bathhouse of Ali Gholi Agha was in the form of cesspit.
In this way, sewage is being entered into the channel by floor drains of the hothouse and Bayyene (Room in a bath house).
Finally, the collected sewage is spilling into the back of the bathroom.
After drying sewage, it had been separated and buried far from the city.
Information about visiting of Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha
- Visiting of Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha is possible in the days of week from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- The time you need for visiting from this bathroom is between 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- For more information, you can call 031- 33375777.
Which neighborhood does Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha is located?
Bid Abad.
Which period does Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha belong to?
Safavid period.
How many alcoves does the hot house of Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha has?
Two alcoves.
Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha is a spectacular place beside other historical monuments of Isfahan that you shouldn’t lose it.
Near this bathroom, there are other historical attractions that host hundreds tourist every year.
Hasht Behesht PalacIsfahan Hasht Behesht Palace, Hakim Mosque, and the mosque, and bazaar of Ali Gholi Agha are located near this bathroom.
Have you ever visited Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha?
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