Sarban Minaret of Isfahan

Sarban Minaret which is located in the north of the Joubare neighbourhood (Jewish part of Isfahan) has been considered the most beautiful minarets of the Seljuk period. This minaret has brick decorations and exquisite tiling and was built in the 6th century AH.
We are going to give you more information about Sarban Minaret in this article; so read the following.
What is a minaret?
The minaret of the mosque bouquet is a kind of bridge and also one of the components of Islamic architecture that is mostly used in mosques.
Minarets have 3 main usages:
- Guide
- Calling to prayer and informing
- The sign of victory
In the Persian, the word “Sarban” means camel- driver or camel- guardian and since the Sarban Minaret was being seen nicely from the most parts of the city and also outside of it as a single, high and index structure, it seems that its main function was guidance and navigation of caravans for having accessibility to the city Centre.
Sarban was the name of one of the government officials, meaning “Amir Teimour Gourakani” that was the governor of Isfahan. That may be the reason for the nomination of this minaret was also related to this governor.
Characteristics of Minaret
Sarban Minaret has 54 meters in height and also has 135 stairs. The inside and surroundings of the city are visible from its height and it is the indicator of the pure style of the Seljuk period’s architecture it is considered the complex historical monument of that period in the historical city of Isfahan.
This minaret has many similarities with the minaret of Ali’s mosque and it has been built with 3 stairs, without any feet.
Sarban Minaret is divided into many parts in terms of bricklaying and tiling. The first part of it is simple bricklaying. The second and third parts have excellent brick decorations.
The fourth part is considered the first crown of the minaret has brick stalactite vaulting with turquoise-coloured tiles and it is arranged in a very pretty and exquisite way.
The fifth part of it is brick decorations. The sixth part of it is the second crown of the minaret and the seventh part is considered the vertex of the minaret.
Sarban Minaret is decorated with prominent bricklaying and also sculptured bricks and diaphoretic tiling in the style of Kufic Reihan script.
This minaret hasn’t any date, but because of its immeasurable similarity with the minaret of Sin Mosque in terms of decorations and also architecture and the way of inscription writing, the year of its building is estimated between the years 525 to 550 AH.
There are 3 inscriptions in Sarban Minaret that have been written in Kufi script. In the two crowns of this minaret, it has been seen two beautiful inscriptions with the best turquoise- coloured of tile.
These inscriptions had been exposed to the weather damages like cold and warmth and the sunlight. What is obvious is that the purport of the first inscription that was built with blue-coloured tiles includes religious phrases.
The second inscription that is also decorated with the blue tile, verse 33 of Fussilat sura has come. The third inscription that it is written with the Kufi Moraba script and was built on the background of the blue-coloured tiles with sculptured brick and the prophet and Rashidun is mentioned in it.
Pizza tower of Iran
This minaret has deviated about 8 degrees from the vertical direction to the southeastern side, because of the asymmetrical settlement in its feet.
This asymmetrical settlement can be due to existing disorders in its infrastructure or because of consistent changes in the water level in the groundwater table or using the water wells of surrounding houses.
This minaret is famous as the “Pizza tower of Iran” due to its deviation.
The threats
The land subsidence and the movements of cars that sometimes smash with the body of minarets in the middle of the historical fabric of the city are among the threats that threaten the remained minarets in Isfahan which include Sarban Minaret.
Sarban minaret is among the minarets that is still standing for more than 1000 years and it has been years that the heritage trustees don’t pay attention to it.
Near attractions
This minaret is located in the neighbourhood of Isfahan Joubare, the near Grand mosque of Isfahan, Mesri Mosque, the minaret of Ali’s mosque, Chehel Dokhtaran minaret and the Qazvinis House.
The neighbourhood of Joubare is located in the northeast of Isfahan which is limited from north to Ghods square, from south to Seyyed mosque, from west to Hatef Street and Atigh square and from the east to Soroush Street.
Address of Sarban Minaret:
Isfahan, Soroush Street, The neighbourhood of Joubare
The facilities of Sarban Minaret:
- Accessibility to vehicles
- Disabled traffic with wheelchair
- Toilet
- Residency
- Restaurant
- Buffet
- Network coverage
What does the word “Sarban” mean?
Camel- driver or camel- guardian
In what terms does the Sarban Minaret been divided into many parts?
In terms of bricklaying and tiling
How many inscriptions are there in Sarban Minaret?
3 inscriptions
Why Sarban Minaret is famous for the pizza tower of Iran?
Due to its deviation.
Which dangers does threatens Sarban Minaret?
The land subsidence and the movements
Minarets are one of the main structures of Iranian architecture that were used as a fire tower, sign or guide tower for the guidance of caravans on the road routes and showing the main places of urban fabric or as a place of informing or calling to prayer in the different historical periods.
Sarban Minaret was also had been considered an index and significant guide in Isfahan.
Have you ever visited Sarban Minaret Isfahan? Does minaret’s deviation attract your attention at the first glance? Did you visit the 3 inscriptions? How about turquoise-coloured tiles? Did they were pretty? Share your opinions with us…