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UNESCO heritages: Isfahan, Iran

Almost every person on this planet likes to travel and visit the beauty of every country.

Observing the culture and the history of a nation can be very refreshing to the mind and the soul.

Every year UNESCO hosts the world heritage program in a country, and this year the destination is none other than Iran.

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It’s remarkable how much history and magnificence leys within the borders of this country.

However, today we are going to talk about a unique city.

UNESCO heritages: Isfahan, Iran

Several sites in this city are worth seeing at least one time.

We will be discussing all of the UNESCO sites in Isfahan and a brief history of every one of them.

Let’s get started and travel to the beautiful city of Isfahan.

A brief introduction to Isfahan

Isfahan is one of the largest cities in Iran.

It’s the capital of the Isfahan province and is one of the most historical cities in Iran.

This city was the country’s capital long before Tehran until the new ruler came and announced Tehran as the official capital of Iran.

Historical sites in Isfahan are one of a kind, and you cannot find them alike in any place around the world.

If you are a traveller or enjoy sightseeing, this city is one of the most affordable and fantastic cities you must put on your travel list.

Several regions of Isfahan are considered historical and even heritage of the world, so much so that UNESCO decided to choose this city as its host to present its beauties to the people across the globe.

In this article, we will tend to some of the buildings and regions of Isfahan that will leave you shocked, so stay with us to enjoy the sweet sense of history and civilization.

So let’s start the article, and we hope that you enjoy these UNESCO sites of Isfahan.

UNESCO sites of Isfahan (+ 3 FAMOUS ITEMS)

Isfahan is one of the most visited cities in Iran because the architecture and the culture with ancient art is a rare thing to find.

Several places in Isfahan are considered UNESCO world heritage; in this part of the article, we will be tending to some of these structures.


NAGHSHE-JAHAN SQUARE IS a specific heritage point is one of the biggest in Isfahan.

It belongs to the SAFAVI era.

This square is one of the remarkable places in Isfahan, and it is located in the center of the city.

All four sides of this square are historical mosques such as the IMAM mosque, SHEIKH LOTFULLAH mosque, and the ABBASI great mosque.

On the western side of this historic square, the ALI QaPu palace was one of the most important and strategic locations in the SAFAVI era.

Let’s list some of the additional buildings that locate in this square:

The tile art in this mosque is immaculate; it is a symbol of SAFAVI architecture. The principal designer of this mosque intended to refurbish it so it faces the right direction (the mecca)

Unlike the SHAH MOSQUE, this one is not as big and magnificent, and it has a reason for that. This mosque was created for the privacy of the HERAM women. Therefore it was not public.

Although it is smaller, the art and tile work on this building can be breathtaking and exquisite.

The name of this palace is a combination of Persian and Azerbaijani, and it translates to “the great gate.”

This structure has a resting room, music hall, and so much more; this place is called a gate, and it’s built so beautifully because this used to be the entrance to the SAFAVI palace.

The CHEHEL SOTOUN PALACE is on the list of the essential heritage locations globally, and there are several reasons for this act.

This structure is actually of the Houses that the SHAH ABBAS I owned, and later in the history lane, the second SHAH ABBAS completed this structure and gave it the name of CHEHEL SOTOUN.

This name translates to 40 columns, but the interesting fact about this palace is that it has only 20 columns; you might be wondering why they call it 40 columns then?

The answer is pretty simple and fascinating.

A pool under the palace reflects the whole structure, and the 20 columns seem like 40 when you count the reflections.

This palace has a great hall made for the porous of foreign ambassadors and the king’s special guests.

All of the rooms and halls in this mansion contain art and paintings that represent the history and events of its time.

The last part of this structure with grave importance is the hall of mirrors, consisting of hundreds of uneven mirrors that create a magnificent effect when you walk in.


As you know, now Isfahan and Iran have many mosques built in the 8th century.

Yet ATIG JAME MASQUE is considered the most valuable of them all.

This mosque’s architecture, history, and roles during the revolution and AL-E BUYE era cannot be found anywhere else in Iran.

This mosque was sometimes demolished after it was built, but one of Iran’s famous ministers, KHAJE NEZAM-OL-MOLK, tried his best and recreated it even better.

After the first date of building this structure, many kings came and one after another altered this mosque; in other words, if you pay close attention to the details of this mosque, you can see that every era had its unique taste.

And this fact makes this mosque the most important one in Isfahan and Iran.

Some cities are full of life and rich culture that we should see one day.

They say that heritage and historical places like the ones discussed in this article are a gateway to understanding the history and events of a nation.

You are fully aware of the UNESCO sites in Isfahan, and if one day you decide to visit this city one day, you exactly know what the crucial locations you have to pay a visit to are.

Let’s conclude this article and see what the conclusion has to say.

In review

Isfahan is one of the central cities of Iran, and it possesses tremendous importance regarding the UNESCO world heritage.

This year UNESCO decided that it would be a good idea to host the heritage festive in Isfahan. We tended to some of Isfahan’s gorgeous buildings and historical locations in this article, and we hope you enjoyed it all.

On a personal note, it is always good to observe the past; it proves that we are evolving and moving forward, and the art and the culture are something to be proud of.

If you have any additional questions about All UNESCO sites in Isfahan or have traveled to this city, we would love to hear your stories, experiences, and inquiries. You can quickly contact us via the comment section below.

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Salah is a Content producer working on a range of fields including culture, art, lifestyle, cultural heritage, and tourism. He has been working Freelancer.

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