What is the meaning of Ramadan in Islam?

What is the meaning of Ramadan in Islam? Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the lunar year. This month, fasting has become obligatory for Muslims. Ramadan is a holy (blessed) month in the Islam religion.
In this article, we are going to read more about Ramadan, Laylat al- Qadr, divine party and feast, the actions that are done in Ramadan like Sahari and Eftar, the total virtues, Eid al-Fitr.
Ramadan; The month of revealing of Quran
In the Quran, this month is being mentioned as a month that Quran is being revealed. According to verse 185 of Al-Baqarah Sura which is about the revealing of the Quran in Ramadan and also knows that the revealing of the Quran is in the laylat al- Qadr, the Muslims believe that the Laylat al- Qadr is being occurred in this month.

The first attribute and asset of holy Ramadan is the revealing of the Holy Quran to the heart of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for rescuing and guiding the humans in this luxuriant month. As God says:
“Ramadan, is a month that Quran is being revealed as the guidance of people and signs of conduction and the difference between right and wrong.” (Al-Baqarah Sura, 185).
In the other verse, God says:
”We revealed Quran in the holy night.”
Laylat al- Qadr and determining destiny in Ramadan
The second characteristic that caused the holy month of Ramadan to be superior, is the placing of laylat al- Qadr and determining of destiny in this luminous month.
As we read in Sura of Al-Baqarah:
“We revealed that (The Quran) in the laylat al- Qadr and you don’t know what is laylat al- Qadr; laylat al- Qadr is better and higher that one thousand months (in terms of position and rank).”
Apparently, the purpose of referring to Qadr is destiny, determination, and measuring. God will determine the events (of a year) from that night, till the laylat al- Qadr of the next year; he will determine death, aliment, bliss and violence, and things like that. (Tafsir Al- Mizan)
Three nights are considered laylat al- Qadr and the exact night is not obvious. These nights include the nineteenth, twenty-first, or twenty-third of Ramadan.
The angels are coming down in the laylat al- Qadr and the Shias are engaged in worshipping and waking at night.
Receiving a blow and martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS) on these nights also added to the importance of it in view of Shias and mourning for that Imam, is accompanied by the religions of laylat al- Qadr.
Divine Party and feast in Ramadan
The revealing of the Quran, the occurrence of laylat al- Qadr, the revealing of angels and ghosts, fate and destiny and etc.
are each considered heavenly victuals and spiritual foods and caused Ramadan is being nominated as the month of divine party and feast.
The holy prophet says on the verge of the holy month of Ramadan:
“People! The month of blessing, mercy, and forgiveness has turned to you. This month is considered the best month in view of God and its days are the best days, its nights are the best nights and its hours are the best hours.
In this month, you are being invited to the party of God and also considered among the beneficiaries of God’s munificence.
In this month, your breaths are praising God, your sleep is worship and your action are accepted and your prayer is being complied. “
The actions that are done in Ramadan:
- The sessions of Juz reading of Quran
The sessions of Juz reading of the Quran in Ramadan are being held every year on the days of Ramadan in the mosques, pilgrimage places, and domestic sessions.
- Getting fast
The Muslims get fast by observing the moon’s crescent and the start of Ramadan. During fasting, Muslims are forbidden from smoking, smoking a hookah, and committing a sin, besides eating and drinking. Instead, they are recommended to pray, read Quran, and bless.
- Sahari
Sahari is a meal that is being eaten before the fast, at the dawn. Sahari is considered the most important meal for fasting that supplies the needed energy of the body for concentration and daily activities and also keeps the body’s metabolism, high.
Taking fast without Sahari causes the reduction of the blood glucose level during the day, reducing concentration and also the energy of the body.
According to the narrations, if people eat Sahari and in the time of Iftar, just drink some water, they will have this ability to get past all the time. The best-recommended foods for Sahari are dates, Qovut, and raisins.
Which foods should not be eaten in the time of Sahari?
It’s better to avoid eating spicy foods during the Sahari because it causes thirst and also heartburn.
We should avoid rom consumption of sweet and fatty foods like Zulbiya and Bamiyeh and eat mayonnaise sauce, cream, sausage, and kielbasa that are not suitable for Sahari.
- Eftar
Eftar is a meal that Muslims eat during the sunset and end their fast on that day. “Eftar” means opening the fast and its Persian equivalence is fast- opening.
Sometimes, the act of Eftar is being done in the form of collectively. Eftar is done immediately after Maghrib Azan and usually, the date is being used for the opening of the fast.
For Eftar, the etiquettes like praying at that time and also reading of al- Qadr surah is being mentioned. In addition to this, Iftar with Warm water and milk is recommended.
In the narrations, there are many virtues that are being mentioned for giving Eftari.
Which foods are recommended to be eaten for Eftar?
After taking fast and long hours of being, you may to or drinking lots of water and different liquids. But what is the best way for opening the Iftar?
Iftar should have the characteristics of a healthy breakfast. Consider a low-calorie food for Eftar that is easy to digest.
The most important issue in Eftar, is the supply of water and blood glucose. The date is the best and also the most important food for Eftar that supplies your body glucose and water.
After that, it’s better to drink a glass of water, every hour until dawn. Coffee and tea are not considered liquids that you should eat, because they prevent the attraction of minerals and vitamins and as a result, cause dehydration of the body.
Crapulence during the Eftar, causes many problems for the stomach. The fatty foods need a long time for digestion and also sleep. Eat the Eftar meal properly, to not cause a problem until the time of eating Sahari.
The total virtues of Ramadan
Among the lunar months, the holy month of Ramadan has such sanctity and special place that in a special prayer, we read:
“And Ramadan is a month that you gave it greatness, munificence and honor than other months. “
The holy Prophet (PBUH) says:
“if someone reads a verse of Quran in this month, its reward is like a person who read the whole of Quran in other months.”
Imam Sadegh A. says:
“Anyone who gives a Sadaqe (Alms) in the Ramadan, the God will removing 70 kinds of misfortune from him.”
Eid al- fitr; the end of Ramadan
Eid al-Fitr which is the end of Ramadan and the start of Shavaal (the next lunar month), is being announced after observing the moon’s crescent or after the end of 30 days of fasting.
What are the actions of Ramadan?
The sessions of Juz reading of Quran, getting fast, Sahari, Eftar
2. What is happening in laylat al- Qadr?
The purpose of referring to Qadr is destiny, determination, and measuring. God will determine the events (of a year) from that night, till the laylat al- Qadr of the next year; he will determine death, aliment, bliss and violence, and things like that.
3. When does Ramadan end?
Eid al-fitr is the end of Ramadan and the start of Shavaal
4. Why Ramadan is called the month of “divine party and feast”?
The revealing of the Quran, the occurrence of laylat al- Qadr, the revealing of angels and ghosts, fate and destiny and etc. are all considered heavenly victuals and spiritual foods and caused that Ramadan is being nominated as the month of divine party and feast.
Ramadan is a virtuous month for humans; Muslims take fast the Ramadan which has many benefits for the body and mental health:
– It causes the detoxification of the body
- – It affects various diseases; like cardiovascular disease
- – It increases the self-esteem, self-confidence and also strengthens the will
- – It causes memory enhancement.
Did you take a fast during Ramadan? What kinds of effects does it have in terms of body and mental health? Do you feel more at peace during Ramadan? Share your comments with Isfahanmg…
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