8 places to walk in Isfahan

Isfahan was developed in the 16th century with a high speed. This city has beauty for flowing of Zayanderud River.
Isfahan city can be an impeccable picture of the art history and Iranian taste that its glory is blazing in the spectacular places of it. Isfahan has so beauty and details that it called “Half of World”.
Walking in the streets and spectacular places of Isfahan is so enjoyable. You can record all these beautiful places in the frame of your camera. In the following, we introduce 8 place for walk in Isfahan; Tune on.
1- Naghshe Jahan Square
This giant square that it is rectangular in shape is located in the center city is named “Naghsh-e-Jahan”. Its name means “the role model of world”.
This square was built in the 16th century by the command of King Abbas, the governor of Safavid period, to show the main principles of his new imperial.
By passing decades, people come to square for shopping, selling and saying prayer and also excursion.
For visiting from all the historical places like:
- Shah Mosque
- Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque
- Ali Qapu Palace
- visit this beautiful square in a day.
Although visiting Naghsh e Jahan square is also spectacular in the night.
In the autumn season, this square is one of the most beautiful pictures that can be recorded in your mind. Walking in This Square is a pleasant experience that makes you feel so good.
2- Isfahan Bazaar
Isfahan has a very magnificent bazaars and you can walk there for hours. There are many old stores in the Isfahan’s bazaars.
The stores full of eye- catching and tempting products with gold and silver colors, makes an attractive environment.
Isfahan Bazaar (Gheisariye) is one of the oldest and biggest bazaars of Middle East. When we walk in the Bazaar, we are stepping in a world full of commotion, color and pattern. In fact, we are going to the past.
3- Chehel Sotoun
Chehel Sotoun is one the most beautiful monuments of Safavid period in today’s Isfahan.
Chehel Sotoun garden- palace is one of the royal gardens that remained from Safavid period in the Isfahan city that it is also known with the name of “Chehel Sotoun Palace” or ‘’Chehel Sotoun Garden- museum”.
This monument like other historical monuments of Iran was built for flaunting of the strength and glory of reign and its beauties is so much that built a heaven from it in the heart of Isfahan.
This palace has 20 long pillars and its tiling, painting and mirror- works of the Palace is unique and creditable. Walking in gardens like Chehel Sotoun is so fascinating that you shouldn’t lose this suggestion.
4- Chahar Bagh Avenue
Chahar Bagh is primarily acting as an important economy center in Isfahan that a lot of shopping centers and cinemas are located in this avenue.
This avenue is so attractive and spectacular for pedestrians and bike riders that want to move in this pretty space.
Many people spend hours in this avenue and buy ice-cream from the ice cream shops by the avenue.
Chahar Bagh Avenue is among the places that you can’t walk in it for one day; it is so vast that it includes three part of Abbasi Chahar Bagh, Chahar Bagh Bala and Chahar Bagh Paeen.
The most beautiful part is Abbasi Chahar Bagh; a street that green and pretty trees are covering it all.
This street starts from Si-O-Se Pol and it continues to the north direction of the city.
Although some of the trees of this street were being cut down in the Qajar Period, but it is still a good choice for walking throughout the city. Pass from the shadows of trees and think to a history that was flowing in this route.
5- Khaju Bridge
Khaju Bridge was built in the 1060 by the command of King Abbas II.
The reason of difference of the Bridge with other historical bridges in this city is that this bridge has beautiful and unique decorations and tilings that is not existing in the other bridges that are built in this city.
This bridge is being considered by the internal and foreign tourists.
The landscape of Zayanderud from above of this bridge is full of peace and good feeling.
The reflection of sky’s picture and bridge in the heart of the bridges is a good feeling that surrounds you; especially if you visit and walk in this bridge in the sunset, you can see one of the most beautiful places of Isfahan in front of yourself.
6- Si-O-Se Pol Bridge
Si-O-Se Pol or Allah Verdi Khan Bridge is one of the historical bridges of Isfahan province that its length is equal to 295 meters.
The historical bridge is located above the River. This bridge is considered as the biggest building landscape of Iran which is one the water.
Si-O-Se Pol with 33 openings, 295 meters length and 14 meters width is one of the architectural amazements of eras and there are many views about it.
Go for visiting and walking on it and enjoy from its beauty; especially in nights that its lighting is so pretty and you can make an unforgettable memory.
7- Jolfa neighbored of Isfahan
Now, Armenian- Iranian people are living in Jolfa region and it is transformed to a place for the local haunt of Armenians.
The masterpiece of this neighborhood is the paving streets and alleys that are surrounded but enjoyable and luxury cafes, hosting by exquisite decorations and selecting of foods and desserts.
Vank Cathedral is also one of the most amazing attractions of Isfahan that is located in this part of city.
The beauty of this complex cannot be described with writing.
You should go to Isfahan and touch Vank closely. It’s the time to walk in the series of interconnected alleys of Jolfa neighborhood and observe the old and pretty texture of city closely.
8- Nazhvan Park
Among spectacular and attractive places of Isfahan, Nazhvan Wildlife Park is a different place. Nazhvan Wildlife Park is the biggest park of Isfahan province that placed different facilities like aquarium in itself.
This region has bird’s garden, Reptile’s garden, Nazhvan Entertainment Park and also “health road” that is specially designed for walking and cycling. Walking in Nazhvan Park can be an interesting experience for you; don’t lose it.
Which street of Chahar Bagh is the most beautiful place for walk?
Abbasi Chahar Bagh
Which neighborhood has famous cafes that besides walking, you can drink coffee there?
Jolfa Neighborhood
Which garden is so fascinating that you shouldn’t lose this suggestion?
Chehel Sotoun Garden
Surely, Isfahan has many places to walk; this article is just a small part of all the places that you can go for walking and have memorable moments. Every place of Isfahan worth a visit; don’t lose 8 places that get introduced in this article.
Which beautiful places have you visited that were introduced in this article? Can you introduce other places in Isfahan? Walking in which place was so interesting and memorable for you? Share your comments with us…