what is the Isfahan Symbol?

Isfahan Symbol is a mystery and has attractive narrations that a few people heard it.
Did you know that the primordial, historical cities of the world have a symbol and a ritual story that the tourists usually know the city with that story or symbol?
There are many narrations about Isfahan that are being cited among people by word of mouth. In this article, we are going to read about the concept of the Isfahan symbol.
What is the Isfahan symbol?
Isfahan symbol is a derivative and transcendental design from constellations (lion, dragon, and archer).
The historical figure engraved on the tiling of Isfahan Gheisariye bazaar is a suspended world between good and evil.
In the past, our ancestors built cities according to the horoscope of the day and month.
They imagined super value and power for the movement of stars, sun, and moon and their similarity with constellations, and this similarity and symmetry were thought to be auspicious in some constellations and in the others to be infelicitous. According to this, the cities were established in constellations that were auspicious.
According to the historical documents, setting up a fortress and big barrier in Isfahan was done for providing the security in this historical city during the period of Deylamite governance and in the time of Rokn Al- dole Deylamite governance (322- 366 A.H).
Rokn al- dole built Isfahan fortress on the basis of the horoscope of this city when the moon’s position is in Sagittarius;
because they believe that the auspicious horoscope of Isfahan foundation was being seen in Sagittarius.
Iranians determined the foundation of Isfahan in Sagittarius by knowing astronomy and placing it on the façade of the Gheisariye bazaar.
Historical figure engraved on tiling of Gheisariye bazaar’s facade in the Safavid period is being designed with transcendent content and today, it is being remembered as the Isfahan symbol
Isfahan symbol is a historical, graphic masterpiece
The engraved figure on the Safavid mint façade (today’s Mellat bank) in Gheisariye bazaar is a graphic design that was a reference to the mint’s building.
This figure is being consisted of three parts; the head of the human is the head of the Safavid king that wore a Ghezelbashi hat on his head and has archery in hand;
part of this figure is the body of a lion with the symbol of Leo which is the sign of wealth and it refers to Safavid mint the tail of this lion is a mythical dragon that Arabs call “Tanin” and Sasanids call “Gou Zahr”.
“Tanin” is the symbol of evil and it always tries to eat light and the sun.
In the figure which is being engraved on the façade of Gheisariye bazaar, there is also a picture of the sun that is the distinction of the Sagittarius symbol with this figure.
In this picture, the Safavid king is firing a dragon in a guerrilla and retreat mood the dragon couldn’t swallow the sun because the sun is a symbol of Ahura Mazda and pureness and Gou Zahr is the symbol of the devil; so the Safavid king is the symbol of goodness defender against filthiness.
Isfahan symbol; a world between good and evil
Dragon, Safavid king, and lion are a body, but they don’t take blood from one heart, but if the arrow is being released and the dragon gets killed, the lion and king get destroyed and this is representing the floating world between good and evil, because arrow should target dragon, but not leave and the dragon has fun shooting and couldn’t eat the sun.
Isfahan’s symbol without the sun is imperfect and defective and the existence of a dragon doesn’t have any concept.
So, from the above statements, it is being interpreted that Isfahan is a city that had its own civilization and culture throughout history and from the beginning of its establishment until now.
Because of its social and geographical condition, it was being considered by governments, great person, and notable characteristics.
Three perspectives for investigating the Isfahan symbol
When we talk about symbols, we are accepting that we are going to talk about a phenomenon that implies an internal, multi-concept category that can have different meanings.
1- An environmental and continental perspective
In the astrological calendar, Leo is the hottest time of year and also the driest month of Isfahan.
In another hand, Azar is a month; so, with this narration, Isfahan is a war between the driest time of the year (dragon) with the rainiest time of year.
2- Mystical perspective
According to this, narrates the spiritual progress of people. If the dragon is the symbol of evil, every brave person should confront the dragon of self.
Isfahan symbol with locating in a place that is the emerging field of social spaces means Isfahan bazaar; the center of trade exchanges.
3-Political and social perspectives
Sagittarius is a look at the political and social circumstances of the Safavid era.
Iran in the Safavid period was in an ideological challenge with the powerful emperor of Osmania in the west and in the other hand, in a challenge with Uzbek in the south.
The footprint of Isfahan symbol in the works of Iran land’s great persons
Iranian great scientists, historians, and men of letters in the Islamic period included:
- Abu Reyhan Biruni
- ibn Rustah Isfahani
- Muhammad- ibn Ahmad Toosi
- Amirmohammad Moazzi Neishabouri
- Kamal Aldin Esmail Isfahani
- Hamdallah Mostofi
Haj Mirza Hassan Khan Jaberi Ansari
were reminded Isfahan symbol and its astronomical base in their works.
Honoring the historical symbol of Isfahan is the duty of all the cultural institutions in this city
The historical symbol of Isfahan is being existed on different buildings of this region in different historical periods, from Deylamite to Safavid. In the year 1384, the Isfahan council after investigating and studying in this field with a majority vote selected the first of Azar as an “Isfahan day” and the symbol engraved on the Gheisariye façade as the “Isfahan symbol”.
Some people have been distorted the place of historical symbol of Isfahan; every year, the historical symbol of the city is being displayed on the occasion of the week of Isfahan;
however, some people knowingly or unknowingly tried to remove this symbol from the city level under the pretext that this symbol doesn’t have any similarity with Isfahan’s identity and it’s like Greek mythology symbols and characteristics that are being called “Santour”.
What is the Isfahan symbol?
Derivative and transcendental design from constellations (lion, dragon and archer).
Which Iranian great scientists, historians and men of letters referred Isfahan symbol in their works?
Aboureyhan Birouni, Ebne Roste Isfahani, Mahammad- ebne Ahmad Tousi, etc.
In Which place does Isfahan’s symbol been engraved?
Gheisariye Bazaar.
Each of the ancient cities of Iran had its own symbol, but it was not so famous.
Isfahan symbol has a historical background. In today’s Iran, no city has such a privilege, and simply, we can’t ignore such a symbol that has a hundred years of authenticity.
It seems that the Isfahan symbol was being drawn in the symbols attributed to this city and the authenticity of this symbol shows the historical authenticity of Isfahan.
What is your opinion about the Isfahan symbol?
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