Isfahan Mosque

Great Mosque of Isfahan

The great mosque of Isfahan is famous as “Atigh Grand mosque” and “Jome (Friday) mosque” of Isfahan, is one of the historical monuments of Isfahan city that its antiquity is returning to the 2nd century A.H.  We share more information about this unique mosque in this article; be with us.

Who made the Jome (Friday) mosque of Isfahan?

The Jome (Friday)mosque of Isfahan located on the southern side of Naghsh-e Jahan square, was built in 1020 A.H.

under the command of king Abbas in the 24th year of his reign and its decorations and additional were finished in the period of his successors. King Abbas built the mosque for the joy of his grandfather’s soul, which means King Tahmasb.

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The former mosque was destroyed by the command of Khalifa Motasem Abbasi In the year of 226 A.H. and a columned building with a wooden roof was built that now, some parts of its pillars and walls are still remaining, but the most important changes to the mosque were done during the Seljuk period.

What was the Atigh mosque of Isfahan used for?

The Jame mosque is the house of worship of Muslims, the place of holding Friday prayer, and especially the place of political, social, and educational gatherings.

After destroying the former mosque and in the 2nd to fourth century A.H., a library was built in the mosque where the scientific books were gathered in that and beside every column, a classroom was formed. Buyids built a library in the Jame mosque of Isfahan that the list of its books was registered in the 3 thick volumes.

The diggings show that probably this mosque was considered an important religious center before the Arab’s dominance in this city and has functioned as one of the fireplaces of Isfahan city.

Discovering a pedestal with the decorations of the Sassanid period in the northern region of the great mosque of Isfahan confirms the existence of this building before Islam.

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What is one reason that the Atigh mosque of Isfahan is unique?

The Jame’a mosque of Isfahan is the most historical mosque in terms of the unique architecture of the building.

In fact, the architecture of mosque buildings has unique characteristics that differentiate them from other mosques in Iran. For example, it has four porches and it got its main reputation for these four porches.

These porches changed the mosque from the Arabic mode to an Iranian mosque and they created a new style.

What is Iwan?

Iwan (Porch) is the higher chamber than its surrounding that are usually built in the external section of mosques.

The great mosque of Isfahan has four Iwan (porch) that are as follows: 

  • Saffeh Saheb Iwan (porch) in the south
  • Saffeh Darvish Iwan (porch) in the north
  • Saffeh Ostad Iwan (porch) in the west
  • Shagerd Iwan (porch) in the east
  • with stalactite vaultings and decorations
  • build a beautiful and new landscape

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Why is the Friday mosque of Isfahan unique in its expansion and modification?

The interesting point about the architecture of this mosque is that the different parts of it were formed over nearly 2000 years and during these years.

It has been repaired that the last rebuilding of the ruined part due to the bombing of Iraq airplanes was during the 8-year war between Iran and Iraq.

The most important development of designs was done during the Buyids and Safavid periods.

How is the Jome (Friday) mosque of Isfahan integrated with the urban environment?

Integration of the Jame’a mosque of Isfahan with the urban environment is a clear aspect of it; this mosque that is located in the centre of an old city has some common walls with the other buildings that are in the margin of its environment.

Because of its large area and numerous entrances, a centre sidewalk was formed and it connected the important network of intersecting trajectories of the city.

This mosque, in addition to being a holy building, facilitated the public movement and business activities along with its main performance as a place for praying.   

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Where is the Jome (Friday) mosque of Isfahan located?

The jameh mosque of Isfahan which is famous as the Atigh Grand mosque is located in the Ghiyam square in the Allameh Majlesi Street.

In other words, this mosque is located the old part of Isfahan, Bakhtari side, Hatef Street, and at the end of Great Bazaar.

What is Minbar and Mihrab?

Minbar is a place where discourse is being quoted; Because of the importance of decorations and historical periods of Jameh mosque of Isfahan’s Minbars, they have been nationally registered.

The Minbars of Jame’a mosque of Isfahan belong to Ilkhani, Safavid, and Timurids periods.

Mihrab is the arcades that show the direction of Qibla in the mosque that religious priest is standing in it while praying.

Jameh’a mosque of Isfahan has 14 Mihrabs. “Oljaitu” is the most famous Mihrab with the most beautiful plaster- molding in the world. 

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The great Mosque of Isfahan’s art history

Friday mosque of Isfahan is a museum of Iran’s art and one of the architecture this land the that gathered the design of 13-century change in Iran’s the first design of the mosque was Bou Moslemi kind (Columned Shabestan) that was built in 156 A.H.

Mihrab (Alter) and a big part of the wall toward the Qibla of the old mosque with pure and unique plaster- molding were found beneath the southern Shabestan of the current mosque.

In 226 A.H., the old and ruined mosque was built with a courtyard in between and Shabestan around it. In the 4th century and in the period of Buyid, it was added to the building of the mosque; in a way that an opening was added to Shabestan making the courtyard smaller.

Grand Mosque of Isfahan and UNESCO

Different parts of the Atigh mosque of Isfahan that were added to the world list in the last meeting of the world heritage committee of UNESCO were formed nearly 2000 years and also have been repaired during these years.

The most important development designs of the Jameh mosque of Isfahan were formed in the period of Buyid and after that, in the era of Safavid governance.

The Jameh Mosque of Isfahan on the date 15th of Dey, 1310 with the registration number of 95, was being patented as one of the national works of Iran, and also in the year 1390, was recorded as a world heritage by UNESCO.


1. What are the other names of jome mosque of Isfahan?

Atigh Grand mosque” and “Jome (Friday) mosque of Isfahan.

2. How many Iwans does Atigh mosque of Isfahan has?

Atigh mosque of Isfahan has four Iwans.

3. What is the name of the most famous Mihrab of Atigh mosque of Isfahan?

“Oljaitu” is the most famous Mihrab with the most beautiful plaster- molding in the world.


The jameh mosque of Isfahan is a symbol of authenticity, culture, and history that has passed different days and years. Visiting this witness that was riding on old moments of history, undoubtedly, would be valuable and interesting for you.

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