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5 Best Bookshops in Isfahan, You Shouldn’t Miss While Visiting

5 Best Bookshops in Isfahan You Shouldn’t Miss While Visiting Isfahan.

If you ever read a book in your life, you know that reading book is so enjoyable.

Although there is no doubt about the value of study, the habit of reading books is getting demolished among us. One of the reasons that our reading decreased is the growth of technology.

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Isfahan has many bookshops where you can buy books and give them as a souvenir to your friends. In this article, we are going to be familiar with famous and best bookshops in Isfahan; don’t miss it.

The importance of Book reading from the perspective of Imam Ali

Imam Ali (AS):

“I wonder about people who give importance to the food of their body, but they are careless and inattentive about the book and reading for nourishing of their soul.”

Buying books in Isfahan

Buying books in Isfahan is done mostly in the streets of Amadgah and Chahar Bagh Abbasi; in this way, most of the Isfahan bookshops are gathered on these two streets and even many people search the internet for buying the books.

For buying and selling second-hand books, Shokri mall is being suggested. It has to be mentioned that many students buy books at a proper price in the Jome Bazaar of Isfahan, which is located at the beginning of Taleghani Street.

Best bookshops in Isfahan

Michael Bookshop

Address: Isfahan, Bagh-e Goldaste Street, Amadgah

Telephone: 031- 32230083

Geographical position:

Michael Bookshop is located near important centers like:

  • Sina Hospital
  • Hash Behesht palace
  • Honar Bazaar
  • also Isfahan Abbasi Hotel
  • Chahar Bagh multi-theater cinema
  • Chahar Bagh School
  • Zeytoun bookshop
  • Eftekhar mall

Due to the proximity of this shop to the Enghelab subway station, for better access, you can use public transportation.

2- Shahreh Ketab (Book City)

Geographical position:

Shahre Ketab is located near important centers like:

  • Shadi Park playhouse
  • Dr. Ali Shariati Hospital
  • Park commercial complex and also Khansalar restaurant
  • Ghalbe Sefid fast food
  • Rayane Pardaze Matin factory services
  • Isfahan workers club
  • Mahtab pool

This bookshop is near to Shariati subway station.

3- Zaman Bookshop

  • Address: Isfahan, Pasdaran, Amadgah
  • Telephone: 031- 32224287

Geographical position:

  • Zaman Bookshop is located near the important centers like:
  • Sina hospital
  • Hasht Behesht palace
  • Honar bazaar
  • also Parsian Ali Qapu hotel
  • Chahar Bagh multi-theater cinema
  • Chahar Bagh School
  • Zeytoun bookshop
  • Eftekhar mall

This bookshop is one of the good shops of this region and it’s near to Enghelab subway station.

4- Mehregan bookshop

  • Address: Isfahan, Seyed Ali Khan, between Darb Dar and Abbasi Chahar Bagh
  • Telephone: 031- 32213751

Geographical position: Mehregan Bookshop is located near the important centers like Isa- bne Maryam hospital, Si-O-Se Pol and Honar Bazaar and also Shahrzad Restaurant, Parsian-e Ali Qapu hotel, Chahar Bagh cinema, Ali Qapu commercial complex and Hamshahri fast food.

Zeytoun Bookshop

  • Address: Isfahan, Amadgah, between Sureh and Abbasi Chahar Bagh
  • Telephone: 031- 32222962

Geographical position:

Zeytoun Bookshop is located near important centers like:

  • Sina hospital
  • Hasht Behehsht palace
  • Honar Bazaar
  • also Isfahan Abbasi Hotel
  • Chahar Bagh School
  • Shokri mall
  • Shad motel
  • Iran central insurance.

Importance of book and book reading

The book is a gate to the fantastic world of science and knowledge; reading is a simple and practical way of cultivating the God-given talents of humans and also the training of science and techniques that guide them in the path of growth and evolution.

If we could make reading a habit in humans, the relation of him with the world of knowledge and awareness wouldn’t be hard and without any hassle, he could grow and strengthen his understanding of the cosmos by studying;

but you should consider that transforming this interest to habit should start from the childhood of human.

The low part of study level in our country is due to unfamiliarity and not use to reading from childhood.

We could be sure that if our children like to read from childhood and the motivation of study shapes in them and know the studying a part of their life, undoubtedly in every period of their life will obtain the material and contents they need and read them.

A child who learns the right way of reading and searching it as a beneficial activity, once reading could provide his satisfaction, he automatically learns to read better.

On the other way, the child who encounters problems with reading avoids reading and even it is possible that he hates the book.

Reading is a treasure that can’t be imposed by force on the child but should help him in finding a way that has beneficial and lasting consequences.

Undoubtedly, the effect of a novel book on the child’s behavior is no less than a teacher’s lesson and that’s why special attention is being paid to the effective role of novel books in the expanding of children’s insight.

Surely, better study, spending less time and more beneficial interpretation, need to be aware of the correct ways of reading.

With correct ways of reading and learning techniques, we could increase the memory strength in older people.

The first effective factor in getting used to reading is “family”.

If parents get used to reading and the child sees that they read books, he will get familiar with the book and takes the book in hand to imitate his parents.

Of course, the families can be divided into three groups:

The first group:

the families that get used to reading and also pay attention to the mental growth of their children.

The second group:

the families that are educated, but don’t have any interest in reading.

The third group:

the families that are not very literate or they are illiterate and are busy with daily life.

If we want to expand the book and book reading among the stratums, we should pay attention to this issue as a long-term process.

Doing periodic activities doesn’t lead anywhere and should consider reading in the form of quality.

This fact should consider as the basis of every basic and educational planning and doesn’t do in the form of slogans or ads that produce anti-value in society.


Which streets we can buy books in Isfahan?

Amadgah and Chahar Bagh Abbasi

Which mall is suggested for buying second-hand books?

Shokri mall

Which age is important for creating interest in the person toward book reading?



Book reading has many benefits like:

  • acquiring knowledge
  • brain growth
  • reducing stress
  • improving imagination


  • strengthening communication skills
  • increasing concentration
  • etc

By visiting the best bookshops of Isfahan that we mentioned in this article, you can have enjoyable moments.

In fact, there are many good bookshops in Isfahan that you can visit and this list is just a part of it.

bookstore Which bookshops did you visit in Isfahan? Have you bought any books there? Is there any attractive bookshop in Isfahan that you want to introduce us? Share your comments with us…

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Salah is a Content producer working on a range of fields including culture, art, lifestyle, cultural heritage, and tourism. He has been working Freelancer.

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